2023 全港高中海外平面設計比賽

黑、白、灰 — 突破色彩生命


本次平面設計比賽由Loughborough University英國羅浮堡大學傾力協助! 





— 突破黑白界限,創出生命色彩!


















參賽作品以電子版形式繳交,學生需將作品製成相片檔案(JPEG或PNG )及於指定位置上載。檔案大小不可超過5MB。




1. 參賽作品必須由學生原創設計及自行製作,而指導老師僅作指導協助。
2. 所有參賽作品發佈權限歸主辦單位擁有,所有作品將有可能發佈於主辦及聯辦機構網站上。 
3. 參賽作品如涉及抄襲、著作版權侵犯或違法行為,經查證屬實,於接受作品或評審期間將不予受理;如上述違規情況於得獎後發現,參賽者資格將會被撤銷並收回已頒發之獎座、獎狀等獎項。所有違規參賽者更須對一切法律責任自行負責,相關責任與本主辦單位無關。
4. 所有作品將會被審查,不可包含涉及色情、暴力、不良意識或商業宣傳等成份。
5. 參賽者所提供之個人資料,只作為是次比賽聯絡及發放比賽資訊之用。
6. 所有遞交之作品如在評審期間、運送途中有損害及遺失,主辦單位不予負責。
7. 主辦單位保留修訂比賽規則、終止或者取消參賽者資格的權利,而無需作另行通知。
8. 參賽者必須遵守所有比賽的規則及細則,一旦提交參賽表格,即代表同意及明白比賽細則及聲明。
9. 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將會保留最後權利。





2023 Hong Kong High School Overseas Graphic Design Competition

BLACK.WHITE.GREY — Breaking through the Life of the Colour


This graphic design competition is fully supported by Loughborough University from UK!

The entries will be adjudicated by well-renowned professors from the School of Design and Creative Arts at Loughborough University.



「Breaking through your limits. Thinking out of the box」

— Pushing the boundaries of Black and White, create a Colourful Life!

Students are required to create a graphic work in three colors black, white and grey with the theme "Breaking through your limits. Thinking out of the box’.



The three colors - black, white and grey, often give people a cold and disillusioned impression! Have you ever thought about how to use these neutral colors to deliver a positive message in your design work and motivate your audiences?

The competition aims to enable students to recognise their own strengths, break through subjective limitations and find their own colour of life. Through this competition, the Organisers hope that during the creation process students can explore their potential and think about how to break through the limitations of "black, white and grey" to create a graphic design that conveys a positive message.

Using only black, white and different shapes of grey as the main colours in their entries, students have to abandon conventional sensory impressions of colours and offer them a different life of colour.



Fill out the application form online.



Registration fee:HKD150




Students should submit their entries electronically as a photo file (JPEG or PNG) and upload it to the designated location. The file size should not exceed 5MB.

* Students are required to keep the original artwork until the end of the award ceremony for random inspection by the adjudicator or the competition officials.



1. Entries must be originally designed and produced by the students. Tutors and teachers should provide guidance and assistance only.
2. The publishing right of all entries belongs to the Organizer, and entrants consent to the publication of all entries on the website of the organizer and the Co-organiser. 
3. Entries involving plagiarism, copyright infringement or illegal acts will not be accepted during the acceptance or judging period if they are found to be in breach of the rules. If any of the above irregularities are discovered after prizes are awarded, the participant's qualification will be revoked and the trophy, certificate and other prizes awarded will be withdrawn. All entrants who have violated the rules and the Organiser is not liable for these breaches.
4. The personal data provided by the participants will only be used for the purpose of contacting and disseminating information about the competition.
5. The organisers is not responsible for any damage or loss of the submitted works during the judging period or in transit.
6. The Organizer is not responsible for any damage or loss of the submitted works during the adjudication or in transit.
7. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations of the competition and to terminate or disqualify participants without prior notice.
8. All entrants must abide by all competition rules and regulations, and by submitting an entry form, they agree to and understand the competition rules and declaration.
9. In case of any dispute, the Organiser reserves the right of final decision.





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