MSO 2023全港高中海外平面設計比賽



MSO 2023 全港高中海外平面設計比賽 - 下稱「比賽」  黑、白、灰 — 「衝破自我,畫破框架」突破色彩生命 由My School Offer(下稱MSO)主辦 國際教育人才培訓中心(下稱IETC)協辦 並由劍橋教育集團(下稱CEG)及英國羅浮堡大學Loughborough University 全力贊助



1. 是次「比賽」由MSO舉辦。參加者一經登記報名 此比賽,即被視為已細閱並同意以下的條款及 細則,並受其約束。
2. 是次「比賽」只接受於比賽期間正在就讀本港 中四至中六(或G11-13) 之學生報名。
3. 活動報名截止日期為香港時間2023年4月30日 晚上11時59分(以MSO網頁伺服器時間為準), 逾期及資料不當之報名登記會被視作無效。
4. 於登記報名時,未成年參賽者請先徵得家長或監護人同意。參賽者必須清楚填寫各項報名資料, 並確保所提供的所有個人資料均屬真實及正確, 且不涉及未經同意的第三方資料。 如參賽者所遞交的資料不正確、不實或不完整, 該參賽資格將被取消。如因參賽者而引致主辦 機構或任何第三方權利或利益受損,參賽者 須負上一切相關責任。
5. 參賽者必須於報名後繳付參賽費用,並在截止報名 日期前上傳繳付證明及完成確認,否則其報名登記 將被視作無效。
6. 比賽中所提供之報名費優惠, 請留意MSO補充之 條款<MSO 早鳥優惠及費用減免之條款及細則>
7. 每名參加者只能繳交一份作品,重覆繳交作品, 可被取消資格。
8. 參賽作品以電子版形式繳交,完成遞交後,不能 修改、更換或退還。
9. 主辦機構在收到參賽作品後,不會另行個別通知 參賽者,亦不會退還參賽作品,參賽者需自行保留 作品原稿至頒獎禮完畢,供評審或比賽機構人員隨機檢核之用。
10. 如有任何因電腦或網路等技術原因,而令主辦機構 網頁收到的由參加者所遞交、登錄之資料有遲延、 遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損之情況發生,主辦 機構不會負任何法律責任,參賽者不得異議。
11. 參賽作品必須為原創及不會侵犯第三者的權利 (包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。如有違規, 即被取消參賽或得獎資格。
12. 參賽作品不能含有淫褻、暴力、色情、誹謗、 不良意識、侮辱成分、商業宣傳、政治元素或 任何具爭議性及不恰當之內容。主辦機構有權拒絕 不恰當、與比賽主題無關或格式錯誤的參賽作品。
13. 參賽作品如抵觸任何法例,一切法律責任將由 參賽者承擔,主辦機構概不負責。參賽者須就 全部訴訟、損失、損害賠償、申索、付款要求、 開支 (包括律師、代理人及專家證人收取的費用 及開銷),以及為任何研訊程序及任何性質的法律 責任達成和解而可能同意支付的償金及訟費,向 主辦機構及其授權使用者作出彌償,並使其完全 及有效地獲得彌償。
14. 參賽人士同意授權主辦機構在其及或其關聯公司的 網頁內或以任何其他途徑發放及使用上述相片和 錄像(亦有權對其作任何編輯或調整)作推廣及或 營銷與主辦機構的業務相關的任何活動,以及印製 成為商品發售,不會獲另行通知,亦毋須支付任何 費用、補償或賠償。
15. 比賽結果以評審團的決定為準,參賽者不得對比賽 結果或排名提出異議。
16. 評審結果將在評審結束及覆核後公佈;得獎者會 收到經電郵發出的通知,通知有關領取獎品安排, 選者恕不另行通知。
17. 得獎者將會收到電郵信息通知領取獎品的方法, 得獎者必須於指定時間內領獎,否則作棄權論; 主辦機構保留重選得獎者或取消獎品之權利; 若所提供之資料有錯漏或不正確,以致主辦機構 未能通知領獎,主辦機構概不負責,亦不會補發 獎賞;逾期領獎將被視為放棄得獎資格,主辦 機構將保留處理有關獎品的權利,得獎者不得 異議或要求任何形式之補償。
18. 未成年得獎者必須由家長或監護人陪同領奬。 於領奬時,家長或監護人必須出示其本人的 身份證明文件,例如香港身份證、教師證等,及 得奬者之身分證明文件,例如學生證或學生手冊, 以供主辦機構核實身分。
19. 各獎品皆受其使用條款及細則約束。主辦機構並 非獎品供應商,有關獎品之使用或任何疑問, 請聯絡獎品供應商。主辦機構不對任何獎品承擔 任何直接或間接引致的責任。比賽內的所有獎品、 獎項及優惠如非MSO所頒發, 請留意MSO之 補充條款 <關於贊助之獎品條款及細則>。
20. 是次活動所送出之獎品不得退換、轉讓或兌換 現金、任何其他貨品或服務,並受供應商有關條款 及細則約束。主辦機構對獎品不作出任何(不論 明示、暗示或法定的)保證(包括但不限於其 質素、享用、使用或其他方面的),且對獎品在 任何方面功能、造成之損失或損壞並不承擔任何 責任(包括但不限於其質素、功能、售後或維修 服務、使用或任何其他方面)。參加者如對獎品 質素、供應商之服務或與獎品有關的任何其他方面 有任何查詢、意見、投訴或爭議,請直接聯絡相關 供應商。
21. 得獎者及個別參賽者將會獲邀出席頒獎典禮, 主辦機構有權在頒獎典禮舉行期間對任何人士 進行拍照或攝錄。 上述相片和錄像媒體之版權將為主辦機構所擁有。
22. 所有主辦機構的職員及其直系親屬(包括父母、 子女及配偶)均不可參加本比賽,以示公允。
23. 主辦機構可隨時取消或更改本比賽之任何條款或 細則而不作個別通知。
24. 主辦機構就本比賽(如比賽方式、參加資格、 得獎資格、得獎名單及領獎之安排等)有最終及 具約束力之決定權。
25. 如對比賽活動有任何查詢,請電郵至



1. 閣下使用本網站進行登記及登入而引致直接或間接 的風險、損失及損害,本公司及本網站不承擔任何 責任,閣下應自行承擔風險。
2. 本公司倘若由於不可抗力的原因(包括但不限於: 由於天災、火災、水災、意外、暴亂、戰爭、政府 政策、罷工或任何本公司不能控制的情況)而未能 準確地提向閣下發放優惠,本公司均不會承擔任何 責任或賠償。
3. 閣下必須認明本網站所提供之內容,包括但不限於 文字、檔案、音樂、聲音檔案、相片、影片、圖案 或廣告內容只限閣下於網上瀏覽,並受版權、 商標、專利權或其他知識產權法例保障。閣下下載 受知識產權保障之內容只限私人或非商業用途。 閣下必須保存完整內容,未經本網站事先書面 同意下,不得翻印、複製、散播或製造由下載內容 而衍生的作品。
4. 閣下不得使用本網站之內容作非法用途。本網站 保留權力禁止任何對有損本公司及第三方及非法 的行為。但本公司、本網站及其員工及董事不會 就閣下在網上的行為所採取或不採取行動方面負上 任何責任及損失,閣下必須遵守本地及海外法律, 不得進行違法活動。包括但不限於以下行為︰
侵犯他人私隱及破壞聲譽之活動如︰誹謗、毀謗、 騷擾、追蹤及威脅等等。
製造及散播不適當、濫用、誹謗、侵犯他人、 猥褻、不道德或含有非法成分之資訊。
5. 除本網上登記的合約方以外,並無其他人士或公司 有權按香港特別行政區法例第623條《合約(第三者 權利)條例》強制執行有關此網上推廣優惠的條款。
6. 閣下使用本網站進行登記及登入而引致直接或間接 的風險、損失及損害,本公司及本網站不承擔任何 責任,閣下應自行承擔風險。
7. 本條款及細則按照中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 (「香港」)法律詮釋及受香港法律所管轄。 閣下同意以香港之法院為非專屬法院。
8. 而本條款及細則每個部分的應用僅限於該法律所 允許的程度。若本條款內有任何部分在任何司法 管轄區被禁止或無法執行,只有被禁止或無法執行 的部分在該司法管轄區宣告無效,但不會使本條款 的其餘部分無效或該部分在其他司法管轄區的 有效性、合法性或可執行性均不會受到影響。
9. 如對是次活動有任何爭議,MSO 擁有最終及不可 推翻的決定權。
10. 是次推廣活動與 Facebook 無關,Facebook 並 沒有提供任何贊助、支持或管理。




1. CEG 3天倫敦CEG ONCAMPUS大學校園遊,下稱 「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」
旅遊贊助費和內容以CEG對「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」 所作的安排的行程為準,包括CEG預訂來回機票 (香港至英國)、酒店、交通、安排餐飲。
得獎者所有私人及非CEG安排的活動費用,包括 但不限於訪問、觀光、交通、餐飲,CEG概不負責, 得獎者需自行支付相關費用。
根據實際出行情況,CEG可能會調整獲獎學生的 「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」贊助內容,行程及費用。
在任何情況下,「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」的所有贊助 費用均不能兌換現金或其他形式的獎品。
CEG保留贊助得獎學生「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」的 最終決定權,得獎學生不得異議。


是次「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」將安排相關導遊指引 及行程跟隨拍攝服務, 亦可能要求獲獎者協助參與相關宣傳活動。
是次「ONCAMPUS 校園遊」所拍攝之相片及短片等 攝影素材將會分享給得獎學生。
同時, 其攝影素材及其他相關素材擁用權,將歸CEG 及MSO 所有;CEG及MSO 保留其發佈及使用權。


2. CEG銜接大學課程入學獎學金
所有獎學金僅適用於通過 My School Offer“MSO” 申請 CEG ONCAMPUS 之銜接課程。
得獎者若申請就讀ONCAMPUS Southampton、 ONCAMPUS Reading,可按名次 10% 銜接課程學費減免的獎學金; 獎學金最終金額可能會根據課程性質進行調整。
對於申請學習其他 CEG ONCAMPUS 中心,如 (Aston, Hull, London, London South Bank, Sunderland, UK North)的學生,得獎者將可按名次 10% 銜接課程學費獎學金; 最終獎學金可能會根據課程性質進行調整。
CEG獎學金只能減免所申請入學的課程部份學費, 在任何情況下都不能兌換現金或其他形式的獎品。
CEG保留對所有獲獎者獎學金的最終決定權, 獲獎者不得異議。


CEG 擁有申請課程的最終批核權


3. CEG 1 小時 1對1 個人作品集網上工作坊
所有得獎者將獲得由英國著名羅浮堡大學的 藝術與設計學院的代表講師主持的免費網上「工作坊」一次。
「工作坊」的範圍是設計相關的,包括服裝設計、 平面設計等。
「工作坊」的初步時間表將於 2023 年 9 月 1 日 至 2023 年 12 月 31 日期間舉行。
「工作坊」的實際進行日期和範疇將由MSO和 CEG直接與得獎者安排。
得獎者若未能在上述截止日期前確認及使用安排 的「工作坊」, 將被視為後放棄該免費「工作坊」 的使用權。


CEG有權對「工作坊」進行錄音、拍照,並對這些 錄音媒體擁有所有權。
CEG對得獎者「工作坊」的安排及範圍擁有最終 決定權,得獎者不得有異議。


4. CEG 文具用品禮券
文具券將按提供商的原版發放, 不可兌換現金


5. MSO入學獎學金
所有獎學金僅適用於通過 My School Offer“MSO” 申請之課程。
MSO保留對所有獲獎者獎學金的最終決定權, 獲獎者不得異議。


比賽優勝者,不等於自動獲取 相關課程的入學准許。
接受本獎品即代表 接受以上所有條款。


<MSO 早鳥優惠及報名費用減免之條款及細則>

1. 本次早鳥優惠將為符合資格者提供付優惠費報名 HKD120 (原價HKD150),優惠期到 2023年3月15日晚上11時59分(以MSO網頁伺服器 時間為準)為止,而最終之時間以MSO最新公佈作準。
2. 如非MSO提出具體時間變更安排, 所有逾期之報名申請均會按原價計算。
3. 本次比賽提供報名費用減免項目,為符合資格學生 (即擁有政府津貼之學生)在提供相關資格證明以 及完成確認後,給予全數或半數之報名費用減免津貼。
4. 本次比賽之繳費帳戶由IETC提供,所有費用及 減免項目資格證明亦由IETC進行。 IETC 將按實際需要直接聯絡參賽學生 或其學校進行覆核。



閣下提供的所有個人資料由My School Offer(下稱MSO)收集。請查閱以下MSO個別的收集個人資料聲明。閣下亦可自行決定是否提供非必須填寫的個人資料,但若閣下未能提供必須填寫的個人資料, 將導致MSO無法處理閣下的申請。



1) 閣下提供的個人資料,包括閣下的姓名、 相關個人資料、聯絡電話及電郵地址,將交由 主辦機構用作進行是次活動之聯絡、核實身份及 禮品送遞之用。有關資料只會用於是次推廣活動的 上述用途,並將於活動完結後銷毀。
2) 主辦機構將透過核對每位參賽者提供的個人資料, 以確認參賽者的身份及其參加資格。如未能提供 所需的個人資料,參賽者可能會被取消參加活動資格。
3) 得獎者需提供姓名及正確聯絡電話和電郵 作為領取獎品之用,如得獎者未能提供, 則主辦機構未必可以向得獎者頒發獎品。 有關聯絡資料將不會對外公開或用作其他宣傳用途。
4) 閣下有權要求查閱或修改已提供的個人資料, 詳情請查閱本公司的「私隱政策聲明」, 請到MSO網頁( 中的《隱私政策及免責聲明》



MSO 2023 Hong Kong High School Overseas Graphic Design Competition

Terms and Conditions

Organisers, Co-organisers and Supporting Organisations

MSO 2023 Hong Kong High School Overseas Graphic Design Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) BLACK.WHITE.GREY — "Breaking through your limits.Thinking out of the box " Breaking Through a Colourful Life, is organized by My School Offer (hereinafter referred to as MSO) and co-organized by International Educational Training Center (hereinafter referred to as IETC) and sponsored by Cambridge Education Group (hereinafter referred to as CEG) and Loughborough University, UK.


Terms and Conditions

1. The Competition is organised by MSO. By registering for the Competition, participants will be deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions and will be bound by them.
2. The Competition is only open to students who are studying in Secondary 4 to 6 (or G11-13) in Hong Kong at the time of the competition.
3. The deadline for registration is April 30, 2023 at 11:59pm Hong Kong time (based on MSO web server time). Late registration and registration with inappropriate information will be considered invalid.
4. When registering, underage entrants should obtain the consent of their parents or guardians. Entrants must complete all entry information clearly in the application form and ensure that all personal information provided is true and correct and that no non-consensual third party information is involved. If the information submitted by the entrant is incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete, the entrant will be disqualified. If the rights or interests of the Organiser or any third party are jeopardized as a result of the entry, the entrant shall be liable for all relevant responsibilities.
5. Entrants must pay the participation fee after registration, and upload the payment proof and complete the confirmation before the deadline for registration. Otherwise, their registration will be deemed invalid.
6. Please refer to MSO's supplemental terms and conditions for entry fee discounts offered in the Competition.
7. Each entrant can only submit one entry. Repeated submissions may result in disqualification.
8. Entries will be submitted electronically and cannot be modified, replaced or returned after submission.
9. After receiving the entries, the Organiser will not notify the entrants individually and will not return the entries. Entrants are required to keep the original entries until the end of the award ceremony for random checking by the adjudicators or Competition officials.
10. The Organiser shall not be held liable for any delay, loss, error, unrecognizability or damage of the information submitted or registered by the entrant on the Organiser's website due to any technical reasons such as computer or network problems, and the entrant has no right to dispute this.
11. Entries must be original and must not infringe on the rights of third parties (including intellectual property rights, confidentiality or privacy rights). Any violation of the rules will result in disqualification from the Competition.
12. Entries must not contain obscenity, violence, pornography, slander, defamation, unconsciousness, insult, commercial promotion, political elements or any controversial and inappropriate content. The Organiser reserves the right to reject entries that are inappropriate, irrelevant to the theme of the Competition or incorrectly formatted.
13. 13.The entrant will be held liable for any violation of any law and the Organiser will not be responsible for any legal liability resulting from such violation. The entrant shall indemnify and keep the Organisers and its authorised users fully and effectively indemnified against all actions, losses, damages, claims, demands for payment, expenses (including fees and expenses charged by lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and compensation and costs that may be agreed to in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature.
14. The entrant agrees to authorise the Organiser to publish and use the above photographs and videos (with the right to make any edits or adjustments thereto) on its or its affiliates' web site or by any other means to promote and/or market any activity related to the Organiser's business and to print them for sale as merchandise without notice and without payment of any fees, compensation or damages.
15. The results of the Competition shall be based on the decision of the adjudicators and no entrant may dispute the results or ranking.
16. Judging results will be announced after the judging process and review; winners will be notified via email of prize collection arrangements, and the unsuccessful entrants may not be notified.
17. Awardees will be notified by email of the method of collecting prizes. Awardees must collect their prizes within a specified period of time, otherwise they will be deemed to have forfeited their prizes. The Organiser reserves the right to re-elect awardees or to cancel prizes if they are not collected. . The Organiser will not be responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the information provided and will not be liable for any failure to notify awardees. No compensation will be made for any failure to collect a prize. Late redemption of the award will be deemed a forfeiture of the award and the Organiser reserves the right to dispose of the uncollected prizes and awardees have no right to object or claim for compensation of any kind.
18. Underage awardees must be accompanied by their parents or guardians when receiving the award. Parents or guardians must present their own identity documents, such as Hong Kong identity card, teacher's card, etc., and the awardees 's identity documents, such as student card or student handbook, for the Organiser to verify their identity when receiving the award.
19. Each prize is subject to its own terms and conditions of use. As the Organizer is not the supplier of the prizes, please contact the supplier of the prizes for any queries regarding the use of the prizes.The Organiser undertakes no responsibility for loss or damage caused by any prizes, either directly or indirectly. For all prizes, awards and privileges not awarded by the MSO, please refer to the MSO Supplementary Conditions .
20. The prizes given away at this event are not returnable, transferable or exchangeable for cash or any other goods or services, and are subject to the terms and conditions of the supplier. The Organiser makes no warranty (whether express, implied or statutory) as to the prizes (including but not limited to their quality, enjoyment, use or otherwise) and assumes no liability for any aspect of the prizes' functionality, loss or damage (including but not limited to their quality, functionality, after-sales or maintenance services, use or otherwise). Participants should contact the relevant supplier directly for any enquiry, comment, complaint or dispute regarding the quality of the prize, the supplier's service or any other aspects relating to the prize.
21. The awardees and individual entrants will be invited to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony. The Organiser reserves the right to take photographs or video recordings of any person during the Award Presentation Ceremony. The copyright of the above photos and video media will be owned by the Organiser.
22. In the interest of fairness, all staff members of the host organization and their immediate family members (including parents, children and spouses) are not eligible to participate in this Competition.
23. The Organiser may cancel or change any of the terms and conditions of the Competition at any time without individual notice.
24. The Organiser has the power to make any final and binding decision on this Competition (such as the format of the Competition, eligibility for participation, eligibility for prizes, the list of awardees, and the arrangements for receiving prizes, etc.).
25. For any inquiries about the Competition, please email to



1. The Company and the Website shall not be liable for any direct or indirect risks, losses and damages arising from your use of the Website for registration and login and you shall bear your own risk.
2. The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any failure to provide the Offer to you accurately due to force majeure (including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government policy, strike or any circumstances beyond the Company's control).
3. You must acknowledge that the content available on the Site, including but not limited to text, files, music, audio files, photographs, video, graphics or advertising content, is for your online viewing only and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property laws. Your download of IP protected content is for your private or non-commercial use only. You must preserve the content in its entirety and may not reproduce, duplicate, distribute or create works derived from the downloaded content without the prior written consent of the Website.
4. You are not allowed to use the content of this website for illegal purposes. This website reserves the right to prohibit any behavior that is harmful to the company and third parties and illegal. However, the company, this website and its employees and directors will not take any responsibility or loss for your actions on the Internet or if you do not take any action. You must abide by local and overseas laws and must not engage in illegal activities. Including but not limited to the following behaviors:
Activities that invade the privacy of others and damage the reputation such as: defamation, slander, harassment, stalking and threats, etc.
Create and disseminate information that is inappropriate, abusive, defamatory, offensive, obscene, immoral, or contains illegal content.
5. No person or company other than the party registered on this website is entitled to enforce the terms of this online promotion offer in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region).
6. The Company and the Website shall not be liable for any direct or indirect risks, losses and damages arising from your use of the Website for registration and login and you shall bear your own risk.
7. These Terms and Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong") and shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong. You agree to treat the courts of Hong Kong as non-exclusive.
8. Each part of these Terms and Conditions applies only to the extent permitted by such law. If any part of these Terms is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, only the prohibited or unenforceable part shall be invalid in that jurisdiction, it will not invalidate the remainder of these terms or affect the validity, legality or enforceability of such parts in other jurisdictions.
9. In case of any dispute over this event, MSO reserves the right of final and irrevocable decision.
10. This promotion is not affiliated with Facebook and is not sponsored, supported or administered by Facebook in any way.


Supplementary Terms and Conditions

<Terms and Conditions for Sponsored Prizes>

1. CEG 3-day London CEG ONCAMPUS University Campus Tour, hereinafter referred to as "ONCAMPUS Campus Tour"
The tour sponsorship fee and content are based on the itinerary arranged by CEG for the "ONCAMPUS Tour", including round-trip air tickets (from Hong Kong to the UK), hotel, transportation, and catering arrangements made by CEG.
CEG is not responsible for all private and non-CEG-arranged activities, including but not limited to visits, sightseeing, transportation, meals and drinks, and the winner is responsible for these expenses on own course.
CEG may adjust the content, itinerary and cost of the ONCAMPUS trip sponsorship for the awarded winner student depending on the actual performance.
All sponsorship fees for the ONCAMPUS Campus Tour cannot be redeemed for cash or other prize under any circumstances.
CEG reserves the right to make the final decision on sponsoring the "ONCAMPUS Campus Tour" for the award-winning students, and the award-winning students have no objection.

Please note:

This "ONCAMPUS Campus Tour" will arrange relevant tour guides and itinerary follow-up filming services, and may also ask winner to assist in participating in related promotional activities.
Photographic materials such as photos and short videos taken during the "ONCAMPUS Campus Tour" will be shared with the award-winning students.
At the same time, the right to use its photographic materials and other related materials will be owned by CEG and MSO; CEG and MSO reserve the right to publish and use them.
Acceptance of this prize constitutes acceptance of all of the above terms.


2. CEG Pathway University Program Admission Scholarship
All scholarships are only applicable to CEG ONCAMPUS pathway programs applied through My School Offer “MSO”.
If the awardees apply to study in ONCAMPUS Southampton and ONCAMPUS Reading, they can receive 10% scholarships for bridging course tuition fee reductions according to their rankings; the final amount of scholarships may be adjusted according to the nature of the courses.
For students applying to study at other CEG ONCAMPUS centers such as (Aston, Hull, London, London South Bank, Sunderland, UK North), awardees will receive 10% tuition fee scholarships for bridging courses according to their ranking; the final scholarship may be adjusted according to the nature of the course.
The CEG scholarship can only reduce part of the tuition fee of the course you are applying for, and cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
Each awardee can only use the tuition fee waiver scholarship received once.
CEG reserves the right to make the final decision on the scholarship of all awardees, and the awardees shall not object.

Please note:

The awardees of the competition is not automatically granted admission to the relevant program.
The maximum tuition fee scholarship is GBP 2,000
CEG has the final approval right for the course application
Acceptance of this prize constitutes acceptance of all of the above terms and conditions


3. CEG 1 hour 1 on 1 personal portfolio online workshop
All awardees will receive a free "online workshop" led by a representative lecturer from the School of Art and Design at the prestigious Loughborough University, UK.
"The workshop” will last approximately one hour and will be conducted in English via online conference or video.
The scope of the "workshop" is design-related, including fashion design, graphic design, etc.
The preliminary schedule for the Workshop will be held from September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
The actual dates and scope of the "Workshop" will be arranged by MSO and CEG directly with the awardees.
Awardees who fail to confirm and use the scheduled Workshop by the above deadline will be deemed to have forfeited the right to use the free Workshop afterwards.

Please note:

CEG has the right to record and photograph the Workshops and owns the rights to these recording media.
CEG has the final decision on the arrangement and scope of the "Workshop" for the awardees, and the awardees shall have no objection.
Acceptance of this prize constitutes acceptance of all of the above terms and conditions.


4. CEG Stationery Supplies Gift Voucher
Stationery supplies coupons will be issued in the original form of the provider and cannot be redeemed for cash or other prizes.


5. MSO Admission Scholarship
All scholarships are only applicable to the programs applied through My School Offer “MSO”.
The final amount of scholarships may be adjusted according to the nature of the courses.
The MSO scholarship can only reduce part of the tuition fee of the course you are applying for, and cannot be exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
Each awardee can only use the tuition fee waiver scholarship received once.
MSO reserves the right to make the final decision on the scholarship of all awardees, and the awardees shall not object.

Please note:

The awardees of the competition is not automatically granted admission to the relevant program.
Acceptance of this prize constitutes acceptance of all of the above terms and conditions.


<Terms and Conditions of MSO Early Bird Discount and Fee Reduction>

1. The early bird offer will be available for eligible applicants to pay a special registration fee of HKD120 (original price HKD150) until 11:59pm on March 15, 2023 (based on MSO web server time), and the final time is subject to the latest announcement by MSO.
2. Unless MSO proposes a new early bird deadline arrangement, all late applications will be charged at the original price.
3. The competition offers an application fee waiver program, which provides eligible students (i.e., students with government subsidies) with a full or half fee waiver upon proof of eligibility and completion of confirmation.
4. The payment account for this competition is provided by IETC, and all fees and qualification certificates for reduced items are also provided by IETC. IETC will directly contact participating students or their schools for review as necessary.


Matters Attention

All personal data provided by you is collected by My School Offer (hereinafter referred to as MSO). Please review the individual MSO Personal Data Collection Statements below. You can also decide whether to provide personal information that is not mandatory, but if you fail to provide personal information that must be filled in, MSO will not be able to process your application.

Personal Information Collection Statement

1) The personal data provided by you, including your name, relevant personal data, contact telephone number and email address, will be used by the Organizer for the purpose of contacting, verifying the identity of and delivering gifts for the Event. Such information will only be used for the above-mentioned purposes in connection with this promotion and will be destroyed after the completion of the event.
2) The organizer will verify the identity of the participants and their eligibility by checking the personal information provided by each participant. Failure to provide the required personal information may result in disqualification of the participant from the event.
3) Awardees are required to provide their names, correct contact numbers and emails for receiving prizes. If the awardees fail to provide them, the organizer may not be able to award prizes to the awardees. The relevant contact information will not be disclosed to the public or used for other promotional purposes.
4) You have the right to request access to or modify the personal data you have provided. For details, please refer to the "Privacy Policy Statement" of the company. Please go to the "Privacy Policy and Disclaimer" on the MSO website (